Finding the Empty Tank
Running on Empty
Last updated
Running on Empty
Last updated
If the Red access pass and the Empty Tank has been collected, head to the Vat Room (A2)
In the center of a well-lit room stands a large vat. High-powered filters are circulating the air, but the smell is still overpowering.
There is a high-security airlock to the east and an exit labelled CAUTION to the south.
>examine airlock The airlock is tightly sealed. There is an access pass slot to the side.
>insert red access pass into slot The pass slides in, then is pushed back out. After a series of beeps, the airlock door pops open with a soft whoosh.
-------- Head to the Negative Pressure Labe (B2)
You step into the airlock, which closes automatically behind you. There is a sucking sound, and the air pressure changes slightly. After a moment, the inner door pops open and you walk forward.
You are in a negative pressure lab, designed for the study of dangerous substances. You don't really know what all the equipment in here does, but fortunately there's an ape at work who looks like he does.
The ape notices you enter, and yells, "What do you think you're doing?! This is a very delicate experiment—don't move or say anything!"
There is a large button on one wall.
There is an airlock to the west.
>examine ape His choices of eyewear and weaponry (which he holds in his mouth) seem inappropriate for a negative pressure lab.
This identifies the ape as 3178
>talk to ape "Quiet!" he shouts, somewhat oxymoronically.
"Whatever you do, don't press that button."
>press button As you reach toward the button, the ape warns, "Stay away from that button!" You hesitate.
>press button As you reach for the button a second time, the ape screams, "Are you nuts?! Don't press it!"
>press button Before the ape can stop you, you lunge toward the button and press it. An alarm beeps furiously. The ape clutches his head. "No no no no no no no NO!"
He bounds across the room and leans in close.
"Now you've done it. The Facility Amber Alert is activated, and in moments some terrible hazardous goo is going to start oozing from that pipe." (You hadn't noticed that pipe before. Weird.)
"I need something to collect the goo in or that Amber Alert is never stopping and we're NEVER getting out of this facility. Be QUICK!"
The ape shoves you into the airlock and the door closes behind you. There is a sucking sound, a change in air pressure, and the airlock door opens. You are back in the room with the superacid vat.
In the center of a well-lit room stands a large vat. High-powered filters are circulating the air, but the smell is still overpowering.
There is a high-security airlock to the east and an exit labelled CAUTION to the south.
>insert red access pass into slot The pass slides in, then is pushed back out. After a series of beeps, the airlock door pops open with a soft whoosh.
-------- Head to the Negative Pressure Labe (B2)
You step into the airlock, which closes automatically behind you. There is a sucking sound, and the air pressure changes slightly. After a moment, the inner door pops open and you walk forward.
You are back in the negative pressure lab. The alarm is still beeping furiously. The ape is pacing, muttering "No no no no no" but as soon as he notices you he is in your face again.
"You!" He points at you.
"Goo!" He points at the pipe.
He stares at you.
>give empty tank to ape "Finally!"
The ape places the empty tank below the pipe. The alarm stops beeping.
After a moment of quiet the ape gently leads you back to the door.
"You've done enough damage here."
Once again he shoves you into the airlock, once again you go through the airlock sequence and find yourself back in the room with the superacid vat.
In the center of a well-lit room stands a large vat. High-powered filters are circulating the air, but the smell is still overpowering.
There is a high-security airlock to the east and an exit labelled CAUTION to the south.