Letter From A Friend

Let's Connect the Dots

Doc received another cryptic letter from Dr. Zaius and handed it to his scientists to decode. To begin, the 9 pieces need to be assembled into a 9x9 grid as shown.

All 81 squares then needed to be identified, where thankfully, Dr. Zaius provided a chart to aid in the identification of all 81 items. There were 9 categories with 9 related items each

The 81 items contained 9 items with the word DOT in them (ie. Gal GaDOT) that could be highlighted on the grid.

Solving the sudoku also given by Dr. Zaius gives a 9x9 grid that can be overlaid onto the 9x9 grid of items.

This revealed that the 9 items resided on top of the numbers 1-9, which the dots could be connected as hinted by Dr. Zaius saying "connect the dots"

This revealed a pattern needed Dr. Zaius's last words of wisdom to "send me a letter--could be from anywhere", which indicated this was a single letter glyph from some alphabet used in the world. The identified character this visually represents is ื or ALEPH from the Hebrew Alphabet.

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