Summoning Demon
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Doc Gibbons
Esteemed colleagues (@everyone):
As you know, @Mega Gold’s alchemical ritual was successful in summoning my erstwhile friend Demon. I thought it might be prudent to record audio during that process and our first conversation with him.
He shared some information you will likely find quite interesting, so listen as soon as you can!
Audio Transcript
Mega Gold
Well, this is everything. Are you ready?
Doc Gibbons
Is summoning enemies with an ancient ritual something one can ever be ready for?
Mega Gold
Per potentium iternum edvalentatum. Ego wokatei Mega Demon only ma Leonard mulok ad mayum rise centium
Mega Demon
Holy shit!
I'm so glad it's you two.
Mega Gold
You are?
Mega Demon
Teleporting with no warning. I was sure I'd meet the same fate as the other Megas.
Doc Gibbons
That is why we summoned you.
Mega Gold
We believe you can help us find them.
Mega Demon
To find them. We need to find Veil. He's behind all of this
Mega Gold and Doc Gibbons
Uh, who is Veil?
Mega Demon
That's actually a much more complicated question than you think. Though there are some theories, no one seems to know exactly who or what Veil is. We can get deeper into that later. What I am sure of however is what Veil has done. I can say with absolute certainty that Veil abducted the Megas. No other entity in the entire Metaverse possesses the means, motive and incomprehensible power required to simultaneously capture six Mega Mutants of such massive strength and power and keep them trapped for this long. It was a coup that had been in the works for a long time and as soon as Veil saw opportunity, he seized it.
Doc Gibbons
What do you mean by an opportunity?
Mega Demon
I hate to tell you this, Abbott, but the unfortunate truth is that you are partially to blame for this catastrophe by searching for and gathering all the Megas together. Last year you were the catalyst that set Veil's plan into motion.
Doc Gibbons
Me? How?
Mega Demon
The Megas were far safer, scattered around the world, hiding in plain sight. When you set out on your mission to locate them, did you ever stop to consider that they may not have wanted to be found or that their elusiveness and concealment could have been intentional?
No, you did not.
Because you were only thinking about your own agenda. You say you do everything for all ape kind, but you never considered that the Megas were part of that, did you?
Mega Gold
Demon? It's a bit unfair to put all of that on Doc. Whatever he is guilty of, I am as well. You may recall I had my own mutated associate tracking down the Megas locations for the Simian path. Thinking back, he was truly a piece of work.
Mega Demon
True. Both of you were at fault. You two are the highest profile Megas known to the general public. When you brought them into your ridiculous melee, you created a hotspot of eight Megas in one place and made a huge spectacle of it. You basically drew an enormous target on everyone's backs. You might as well have put a giant neon sign on the roof of the lab with the words "Megas free for the taking" because you made it so easy for Veil to swoop in and grab them all in one go.
Doc Gibbons
But we did not have the same knowledge and information you did about the situation. Should we have simply guessed that some nebulous entity was out in the metaverse targeting Megas, how?
Mega Demon
I don't know. Common sense.....whatever.
This isn't about who's at fault. It was incredibly fortunate that you two weren't in the alley with the rest of them when they were taken. If that had happened, I'd essentially be all alone against Veil and quite honestly, I want little to do with his drama.
Mega Gold
What I'm wondering is how exactly you acquired all this knowledge about Veil and why didn't you say anything to me? Demon.
Mega Demon
I learned everything from Dr. Mandrill.
Mega Gold
Mandrill. I'm pretty sure I'd remember if he'd taught us about an unimaginably powerful evil, something in the Metaverse called Veil.
Mega Demon
This wasn't in class. I spent a lot of extra time with Dr. Mandrell That you guys didn't know about.
Doc Gibbons
What? Like an independent study.
Mega Demon
Sort of, except it wasn't through the university. I didn't get any sort of credit for it. I just wanted to keep learning from him after he left.
Mega Gold
After he left, you kept studying with him? After he stopped showing up to our class?
Mega Demon
Yes. Not for very long, but yes.
Doc Gibbons
So you lied to us, pretended you were just as clueless about his disappearance as the rest of us. We were so worried something terrible had happened to him while in actuality he just decided he'd preferred to be your private tutor. Then continue educating his other students.
Mega Demon
Not exactly. Allow me to explain.