Mega Golds Research
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Mega Gold
Hello, @everyone. My research into alchemical spells has led to a potentially huge discovery in our efforts to unravel the enigma of Veil.
I have gotten into the habit of recording everything in case of a breakthrough, so this latest discovery was captured in the audio memo below. Please listen as soon as you can!
Mega Gold
In case anyone ever hears this. This is Mega Gold and I'm starting a new audio log of discoveries and experiments for the month of October.
Since Doc and the scientists gained access to Mandrels Observatory last month and discovered the empty container in which the Kodas had once trapped Veil, I've been searching the observatory for anything else that might give us answers. I found several pages that appear to have been ripped out of the tome, that huge magical spell book that Mandrill had given Demon. My theory is that they contain knowledge that Mandrill felt was too powerful for even his most trusted protégé to handle.
Let's see.
This spell doesn't seem relevant.
Neither does this one, but the potion ingredients seem like a delicious cocktail recipe.
Okay, this one looks difficult, but useless. It's probably just for showing off.
Oh, okay. Now this one looks interesting and not all that complicated. The inquiry of interstellar resonance.
Looks like this spell can help the caster locate a specified individual by confirming or denying the subject's presence within the atmosphere of a certain planet or other astronomical body. And unlike most of the other spells in the tome, this one indicates that the subject can be any sentient being or entity, whether corporeal or spiritual, or somewhere in between. This could mean we finally have a spell that may work on Veil.
Oh, this line at the end is underlined.
Once this ritual has achieved a positive result, casters may proceed to the revelation of terrestrial alignment on the following page to seek further location specificity.
We love a two-parter, and not too many ingredients needed.
"Samples from each of the planets we want to test."
Should be pretty easy to find those in the lab's astronomy archives.
"Finely powdered comet particles."
I can whip that up quickly.
"An Orb of Reflective Ether."
I saw demon using one of these in path rituals years ago, bet he still has it. He never throws anything away...hoarder.
and "The Essentia Fragment, a physical component of the target individual."
This is something I would've thought impossible for Veil until quite recently, but thanks to a certain Koda, there's now a small piece of Veil here in the lab. When Azul arrived to help Doc, he brought a tiny vial filled with a small amount of the dark, cloudy air that comprises Veil's physical form. If my Koda translation is correct, he explained that when the Mega Kodas captured Veil, they kept this small sample in a top secret separate location. I think it was kind of like how the CDC stores samples of eradicated diseases just in case it was ever needed for research or an emergency like what we're experiencing now. Although, Doc speculated that for some reason the Kodas kept it because they appreciated the fart like odor.
They're a powerful but weird lot.
Anyway, I'm going to collect all these components now.
Back soon.
Mega Gold
Got everything.
Was a bit of a battle to get Azul and Doc to give up the Veil vial, but I believe this is exactly what it was made for. Even though Azul did confess, they only collected it because for some awful reason, they do have a habit of bottling their flatulence.
I dunno.
This is our one chance and it has to work
Mega Gold
Lower the temperature and increase the pressure to convert this bit of Veil from a gas into a liquid, so it'll be easier to work with.
Okay, that's it.
We'll put that there over here.
I took samples from every planet, moon, asteroid, meteor, and whatever other astronomical objects we had available. Veil could truly be hiding anywhere, even grabbed a rock from in front of the lab to represent Earth. Now, to mix the comet particles with the liquified Essentia Fragment...and carefully place six drops on top of the Orb of Reflective Ether.
Persedera at orbium Ex universes ad unum Detegete locum fugentes Revalate mihi Veil interastra vatabundus.
Oh. One of the samples is reacting. Oh, it's shaking, and there's a slight purple glow emanating from it. Ooh. The air around it is getting warmer too. I think this is the sample from TOI-849-B. Oh, let me check.
No, that's impossible. It's the earth rock? That makes no sense. There's no reason for an all powerful entity with access to the entire metaverse to be on earth. Unless Veil has specifically come here to harm us.
I will try not to think about how utterly terrifying that is.
Knowing Veil is somewhere on this planet, we definitely need to move on to the next ritual. The revelation of terrestrial alignment. Aside from this rock that's still glowing and shaking, I need an entirely new set of ingredients for this one, and these are slightly more obscure than what can be found in the lab. If Veil is here on earth to try to attack or capture me. I very much hope that doesn't happen until after I found all the materials and completed the spell.
I'll return soon.
I hope.